With 2024 nearly here I wanted to share a little of what we have in the works! ill keep it to bullet points.
New development of our swifts forge Putter grip prototype ready for testing with The Ulster University and Experts in the fields of Biomechanics, Ball and putter performance and professionals in the Gold world.
A new system for our putters with 3 distinct categories. Custom Commissions and one of one putters starting at £5500. 2 styles of our Echo putters in small and medium batches from £1200-£2300 and our collectors edition vintage flatstick forged finish with iether steel or hickory shaft starting at £450.
A full range of leathergoods we will keep making to keep in stock as well as made to order, from ball marker covers, to tee holders, shoe bags and accessories.
A monthly drop leading to in stock, our leather and waxed canvas pencil and sunday bags.
So we have a busy year ahead of us and appreciate your continued support! keep up to date with whats happening on Instagram @Swiftsforge